Crude petroleum obtained from different source contains different portion of different constituents. Hence, it's properties may differ. Therefore, to judge their suitability as binders following tests are required. :- 1) Penetration test . * 2) Ductility test.* 3) Softening test.* 4) Viscosity test.* 5) Float test. 6) Specifically gravity test. 7) Flash and fire point test. 8) Spot test. 9) Loss on heating test. 10) Water content test. 1) penetration test ( viscosity test on bitumen) An indirect measure of viscosity is tie the amount of penetration of a standard needle under standard conditions, of load time and temperature. The test measure the hardness or softness of bitumen in terms of 10mm of the standard needle.  Fig. Penetrometer apparatus Standard conditions for penetration test:- a) Temperature :- 25° ( t...
Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design ,construction and maintanance,of the physically and naturally built environment,include public work such as road ,bridge ,canal,airport.