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Modern methods of construction.

Modern methods of construction:-

A wide variety of modern methods of construction (MMC) techniques and products have been developed that have completely changed the behavior of construction industry from what it was before. This change is amazing and is in the way to bring more and more developments in this sector.

What are Modern Methods of Construction?

Modern construction methods (MMC) are methods that are developed in construction industry with proper planning and design so that each project reduces the construction time, cost and maintain overall sustainability.

The different MMC used in construction field includes:

2) 3D Volumetric Modules

3) Flat Slab Construction

4) Precast Cladding Panels

5) Concrete Wall and Floors

6) Twin Wall Technology

7) Precast Concrete Foundation

8) Concrete Formwork Insulation 

What is precast flat panel system?

A precast flat panel (PFP) system is a construction technique that provides an alternative to traditional site-based construction. Precast flat panel system components are mass produced off-site, making them practical for recurring requirements that also demand speed of manufacturing and consistency of product.

3D Volumetric modules ?

3D Volumetric Construction is a modular construction technology in which 3D units are produced in controlled factory setups using necessary construction and building materials. 

Flat Slab Construction ?

When we talk about a flat slab, we’re referring to a slab of reinforced concrete that firmly rests on columns. The behaviour of a flat slab is the same as that of a two-way slab, with its thickness generally being greater than the thickness of the concrete surface in a beam-slab system. Flat slabs must be at least 125 millimetres thick to comply with the requirements of IS 456:2000. 

Precast cladding panel ?

Precast concrete cladding is formed by off-site manufactured precast concrete panels, which can be used to clad a wide range of buildings, such as commercial buildings, residential, retail, leisure, hospitals, schools, and so on.

Concrete wall and floor ?

Construction of concrete walls is a crucial phase in building construction. It is constructed as a load bearing structure to transfers loads from floor to the wall below or to the foundation, in addition to divide spaces in multi-storey buildings. Moreover, concrete wall is a desirable structural element in earthquake prone areas since it exhibit satisfactory performance during earthquakes.

Twin wall technology ?

Twinwall construction is a walling system that combines the speed of erection and quality of precast concrete with the structural integrity of in-situ concrete to provide a hybrid solution. The prefabricated panels comprise two slabs separated and connected by cast-in lattice girders.


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